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The Best Programming Languages for Building AR Apps: A Complete Guide

Updated: Mar 27

Consider heading to a furniture store, but instead of just looking at static displays, you can use your phone to project a virtual sofa onto an empty wall in your living room. Curious about how you might appear wearing that brand-new pair of sunglasses?

Not an issue! By skillfully merging the digital and physical realms, augmented reality apps are transforming how we interact with the world around us. 

Augmented reality overlays computer-generated information on the real world in real-time. Think of it as adding an extra layer of interactivity to your surroundings.

AR apps use your phone's camera to detect your environment and then superimpose digital elements like 3D models, videos, or animations. These elements can react to your movements, creating an immersive and engaging experience. 

The potential applications of AR apps are vast. They're already being used in gaming, education, retail, and even healthcare. Imagine learning about the constellations by pointing your phone at the night sky and seeing detailed information about each star.

AR apps can help with product visualization, allowing you to see how furniture or décor would look in your home before you buy it. The possibilities are truly endless! 

But how do these magical AR apps come to life? The secret lies in a combination of powerful tools: programming languages and AR software development kits (SDKs). 

Programming Languages for Augmented Reality Development


Let's dive into the technical aspects of creating augmented reality apps now that we're fired up about their potential. Selecting the appropriate programming language is the first step, and it will largely depend on the target platform (iOS, Android, or cross-platform) and the features you want to include in your app. 

These are a few of the most widely used programming languages for creating augmented reality: 

For Mobile Development: 

  • Java/Kotlin (Android): These are the primary languages for building Android apps. If you're targeting the Android market with AR features, you'll likely use Java or Kotlin in conjunction with the ARCore SDK (more on that later). 


  • Swift/Objective-C (iOS): For iOS development, Swift is the language of choice for modern AR apps. Apple's ARKit SDK integrates seamlessly with Swift, allowing you to leverage powerful features like world tracking and object recognition. However, some older AR apps might still be written in Objective-C. 

For Cross-Platform Development: 

  • C# (Unity): If you want to create an AR app that works on both iOS and Android, consider using Unity, a popular game engine. Unity uses C# for scripting and provides a robust environment for building 3D experiences, including AR apps. 


  • JavaScript (Web-based AR): Believe it or not, you can even create AR experiences that run directly in your web browser! JavaScript frameworks like A-Frame allow you to develop web-based AR apps that can be accessed on any device with a web browser. 

Learn more about Web-AR development in our blog: WebAR Development: Crafting Immersive AR Experiences 

There are more languages and technologies available; this is just the beginning. The ideal option for you will rely on your programming experience and the project requirements. 

What are Popular AR SDKs for Building Your AR App?


We've discussed the programming languages that serve as the foundation for your augmented reality app. Now let's look at the secret ingredient: AR SDKs (software development kits).

Comparison between ARKit ARCore Vuforia
Image Source: Blue Whales App

These are toolkits supplied by tech titans such as Apple and Google that make AR development easier by including a set of pre-built functionalities. 

Here's a closer look at some of the most popular AR SDKs: 

ARKit (for iOS):  

If you're building an AR app for iPhones or iPads, ARKit is a no-brainer. This Apple-developed SDK seamlessly integrates with Swift and provides powerful features like: 


  • World Tracking: ARKit can understand and track the physical environment around the user, allowing for precise placement of virtual objects. 

  • Object Detection and Tracking: ARKit can recognize real-world objects (like images or markers) and track their movement, making it possible to interact with virtual elements tied to those objects. 

  • Light Estimation: ARKit can analyze the lighting conditions in the real world and adjust the lighting of virtual objects, accordingly, creating a more realistic and immersive experience. 

Here's a small code piece (in Swift) that shows a simple ARKit scenario with a 3D object: 

import ARKit  

class ViewController: UIViewController, ARSCNViewDelegate {   

@IBOutlet var sceneView: ARSCNView!     

override func viewDidLoad() {    


// Configure the AR session    

let configuration = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()     configuration.isLightEstimationEnabled = true   

// Load a 3D model    

let shipScene = SCNScene(named: "3DModel.scn")!    

let shipNode = shipScene.rootNode         

// Add the 3D model to the AR scene     sceneView.scene.rootNode.addChildNode(shipNode)   }     

// ... (other code for handling user interaction and updates) }

ARCore (for Android):  

Similar to ARKit, ARCore is Google's answer to AR development on Android devices. It offers core functionalities that mirror ARKit's capabilities, including world tracking, object detection, and light estimation. ARCore works with Java or Kotlin for development. 

Here's a comparable code example (in Java) that demonstrates a simple ARCore scene: 








public class MainActivity extends Activity implementArSceneView.SessionListener {   

private ArSceneView arSceneView;   


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {     super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);    


arSceneView = findViewById(;     arSceneView.setSessionConfiguration(new Config(this));     arSceneView.setSessionListener(this);     

// Load a 3D model (similar approach as ARKit)     ModelRenderable modelRenderable = ...;         

// ... (other code for handling user interaction and updates)  



public void onSessionStateChange(Session session, TrackingState trackingState) {    

if (trackingState == TrackingState.READY) {      

// Add the 3D model to the AR scene       arSceneView.getScene().addChild(modelRenderable);    



// ... (other lifecycle methods) } 

Vuforia (Cross-Platform) 

If you need a solution that works across both iOS and Android, Vuforia is a popular choice. Developed by PTC, Vuforia offers a wider range of features compared to ARKit and ARCore, including: 

  • Image Target Recognition: Vuforia excels at recognizing and tracking specific images (markers) in the real world, allowing you to trigger AR experiences based on visual cues. 

  • Cloud Storage for 3D Objects: Vuforia provides cloud storage for your 3D models, simplifying deployment and updates across different devices. 

It's important to note that Vuforia has a freemium model, with the free tier offering limited functionality. 

Choosing the Right AR SDK and Development Tools 


Now that we've explored some popular AR SDKs, it's time to choose the right one for your project. Here are some factors to consider: 

  • Target Platform: Are you building for iOS, Android, or both? If you need a cross-platform solution, Vuforia might be a good choice. For native development, ARKit (iOS) and ARCore (Android) are excellent options. 

  • Project Requirements: Consider the specific functionalities you need in your AR app. If image target recognition is crucial, Vuforia might be a better fit. For basic world tracking and object placement, ARKit or ARCore might suffice. 

  • Development Experience: What programming languages are you comfortable with? ARKit works best with Swift, while ARCore uses Java or Kotlin. If you prefer a cross-platform approach with C#, Unity with its integration of ARCore and ARKit could be a good option.

  • Budget: Keep in mind that Vuforia has a freemium model, while ARKit and ARCore are free to use. However, there might be additional costs associated with 3D modeling tools or cloud storage depending on your project needs. 


Comparison table summarizing the key points to help you decide: 


ARKit (iOS) 



Vuforia (Cross-Platform) 

Web AR 

Target Platform 



iOS & Android 

Web Browser 

Programming Language(s) 



C# (Unity) 


Key Features 

World Tracking, Object Detection, Light Estimation 

World Tracking, Object Detection, Light Estimation 

Image Target Recognition, Cloud Storage 

World Tracking, Image/Marker Tracking, Basic Object Detection 




Freemium (limited features in free tier) 

Free (requires compatible web browser) 

Beyond the SDK: Additional Tools for Your AR Development Toolbox 

In addition to the AR SDK, you might also consider using other tools to enhance your AR app development process: 

  • 3D Modeling Software: If your app requires custom 3D objects, you'll need software like Blender or Maya to create them. Some AR SDKs offer tools for importing and working with 3D models. 

  • Asset Stores: There are online marketplaces where you can purchase pre-made 3D models, textures, and other assets to save development time. 

  • Development Frameworks: Frameworks like Unity offer a comprehensive environment for building 3D games and experiences, including AR apps. 


How to Build Your First AR App? From Concept to Reality?

Now that you're armed with the knowledge of programming languages and AR SDKs, let's get your hands dirty and build your first AR app! Here's a step-by-step approach to guide you through the process: 

1. Concept and Design: 


  • Before diving into code, take a step back and solidify your app's concept. What problem are you trying to solve, or what experience are you trying to create? 

  • Sketch out user interfaces (UI) and storyboards to visualize how users will interact with your AR app. 

  • Plan the AR functionalities - will it use world tracking, object recognition, or a combination of features? 


2. Development Process: 


  • Setting Up the Environment: Install the chosen AR SDK and any additional tools you'll be using (e.g., Unity). Familiarize yourself with the development environment and its functionalities. 

  • Coding the App Logic: Start writing code using the appropriate programming language and AR SDK functions. This will involve handling user input, managing the AR experience, and integrating any additional features. 

  • 3D Modeling and Texturing (if applicable): If your app requires custom 3D objects, use 3D modeling software to create them. Don't forget to optimize the models for mobile performance. 


3. Testing and Deployment: 


  • Rigorous Testing: Test your AR app thoroughly on real devices. Ensure the AR elements function as intended, and the user experience is smooth across different lighting conditions and environments. 

  • App Store Deployment (Optional): If you plan to publish your app on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, familiarize yourself with their submission guidelines and requirements (e.g., screenshots, app descriptions). 

This video from Immersive Insiders in the complete step by step guide to develop an AR App in Minutes. Check Out!!

Tips for a successful AR app development journey: 

  • Start Simple: For beginners, it's wise to start with a simple AR concept that showcases core functionalities like world tracking or object placement. 

  • Focus on User Experience (UX): Make sure your AR app is intuitive and easy to use. Clear instructions and well-designed interfaces are crucial for a positive user experience.

  • Leverage Online Resources: There's a wealth of online tutorials, documentation, and forums dedicated to AR development. Don't hesitate to seek help and learn from the AR development community. 


The world of AR development is rapidly evolving, and the possibilities are truly endless. Here's a glimpse into what the future holds: 


  • Spatial Computing: Spatial Computing is exciting technology that aims to blur the lines between the physical and digital worlds even further. Imagine interacting with holograms seamlessly integrated into your environment. 

  • LiDAR Integration: LiDAR sensors on mobile devices will provide a more detailed understanding of the physical space, enabling even more precise AR object placement and interaction. 

  • Mainstream Adoption: As AR technology matures and becomes more accessible, we can expect to see widespread adoption across various industries, from education and healthcare to retail and entertainment. 

If you're interested in getting involved in AR development, here are some steps you can take:


  • Experiment with AR Development Tools: Many AR SDKs offer free tiers or trials. Download them, follow tutorials, and get your hands dirty building simple AR experiences. 

  • Join the AR Community: Connect with other AR developers online through forums, social media groups, or developer communities. Share your projects, learn from others, and stay updated on the latest advancements. 

  • Keep Learning: The field of AR development is constantly evolving. Stay curious, keep learning new skills, and explore the vast resources available online and through educational courses. 

By following these steps, you can become part of the exciting future of AR development and create innovative apps that push the boundaries of what's possible. 

We hope this blog post has given you a comprehensive introduction to building AR apps with programming languages and AR SDKs. Are you ready to dive into the world of AR development? Let us know in the comments below what kind of AR apps you're excited to build! 





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